Life insurance in America, where the insurance company pays the insurance amount to the heirs, in the event of the death of the insured. This type of insurance is also distinguished by the fact that it is not specified for a specific period, as it is the life period of the insured.
Life insurance in America
Where the insurance owner pays premiums throughout his life, as the insurance premium begins once contracting until the end of life. This type has the advantage of being suitable, especially for people who have the ability to pay insurance premiums in their advanced life.
The sum insured is obtained only after the death of the insured. Insurance companies have tended to make this type of insurance stop at a certain age, let it be at the age of eighty or the age of ninety.
Life insurance
In this type, the insured pays the premium amount throughout his life, while upon his death he does not pay any premiums. This insurance is also considered one of the limited insurances, due to the lack of guarantee, which is considered essential in insurance.
This type of insurance is characterized by the fact that the marketing procedures are very simple, in which medical examinations are dispensed with compared to other insurances. This type targets a certain number of people, who mainly want to save. It is also characterized by low required premiums, due to reduced expenses for medical examinations.
Northwest Mutual
Northwestern Mutual takes second place with a market capitalization of 6.5% in 2014, from reported written premiums of more than $9.5 billion.
That same year, the company reported about $26.7 billion in consolidated revenue. Northwestern Mutual is a mutual insurance company that has been able to benefit policyholders.
Policyholders' earnings totaled $5.5 billion in 2014, of which insurance paid policyholders nearly $5 billion.
The company offers investment products, financial planning services and
many other insurance products besides life insurance.